
PIS was established under LPMI India (lay pastors’ ministry incorporated) to serve the needs of the church with its motto “Think different”. It remains committed to the mission of the World fast growing churches, to train pastors, missionaries, church workers, theological educators and Lay Pastors.

By providing sound and solid theological teaching.PIS seeks to anchor Christian ministers in the historic faith of the church so as to enable them to engage the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

PACE International Seminary is not only a school but most importantly it is a Mission Centre to do mission in different parts of north east states of India and beyond.

To extend the Ministry of our lord Jesus by preparing the students with the concept of PACE for effective ministry and effectual calling.

To spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus to the place unreached.

PIS is a seminary which prepares people for full time Christian ministry. It also equips laypeople to reflect theologically while they remain in their professions and occupations.

We welcome you to learn more from the information provided and invite you to study with us so as to grow in ‘wisdom and stature’ (Luke 2: 52)

Principal Aloto Anche