The late Dr. Melvin J. Steinbron
Born : July 25, 1922 Died: June 25, 2017
(Dr. Melvin’s biography)
Northwestern College (Th.G)
River Falls State College (B.S)
Northwestern Lutheran Seminary(B.D)
United Theological Seminary (D.Min)
Founder of LPMI, USA
Ten years of radio programming and broadcasting
Student Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
_____, Haili Congregational Church
_____, Randolph Heights Presbyterian church
Associate Pastor, College Hill Presbyterian Church
Parish Associate, Hope Presbyterian Church
PACE stands for Prayer, Available, Contact, and Example.
I am Praying for you;
I will be Available when you need:
I will Contacting you regularly:
I will be an Example as a Christian.
Dr. Melvin had started this ministry in the States in 1978, and the ministry came into Korea by Rev. Byeong who then was teaching at Sungkyul University in July 1999, and fortunately was working with Hallelujah Church (then Rev. Sangbok Kim was senior pastor) and as a partner in ministry together, and also at the national level it expanded to the whole of Korean churches in Korea.
Then the First PACE National Conference was held at Hallelujah church at Bundang in July 2,000 in conjunction with LPM Korea (National Director was Rev. Byeong then). Three keynoters were: Rev. Sangbok Kim, Rev. Hanhum Oak, and Tom Parrish.
As the ministry spread throughout the country continually, Mr. Aloto who came to Korea for theological studies from Nagaland met Rev. Byeong and he was trained PACE by him for two years.
After his graduation (Th.M in 2015) from Seoul Christian University, he returned to his home country Nagalnd, and established PACE Theological Seminary with Rev. Byeong. (Founding president Rev. Byeong, and Principal Mr. Aloto)